Portrait of a handsome voice actor on a red and black background

My all time favorite ASMR & NSFW audio stories

Hi, I’m Jenn aka Auntie Kinky. I’ve been with BKS for about a year and a half doing various jobs but my main focuses are as a sound design editor and creative development editor. After literal decades of working with and hanging out with various industry professionals as well as being kinky AF since pre-puberty, working with Rob & the team was a no brainer. Making things sound as close to what they would in real life brings me joy because nothing quite takes me out of it like a squeaky chair in the middle of a creepy forest or poorly placed foley, lol! 

As the resident real life BDSM practitioner with the most experience on team, seeing and hearing things in erotica that are not only inaccurate but will land a person in the ER with life altering long term injuries just pisses me off. With the amount of predators that actively search for new explorers to take advantage of, I feel very strongly that erotica content needs to more accurately portray healthy dynamics and risk aware practices. It is the first exposure most folk have to this lifestyle and I’m grateful to be able to pass my knowledge on.

Being a lifelong horror fan most of my favorite audios reflect that. If I’m not listening to our audios for work then I’m likely listening to creepypasta and nosleep stories while making sculptures, gardening or any of the other things I do in my day to day life. Here’s a few of my all time favorites in no particular order, I hope you enjoy them if you choose to listen!

Left Right Game

VA: Viidith22, Fear Crawler, Dark Forest Creature, Dark Somnium

Writer: NeonTempo (Jack Anderson)

This was one of the first stories I heard from this D. Somnium. The story and his characterizations are phenomenal and really sucked me in because I had to see where it went. Learning he also does the music for his audios blew me away. 

Listen to “Left Right Game” on YouTube

Who Could Love Such a Beast

VA: Nowhere Eternity

Writer: Improv by N. Eternity

My absolute favorite NSFW VA outside of BKS, Nowhere always delivers epic performances. This particular audio was so well done on every front. The acting, foley, vocal effects…everything. Big bonus for me is it mixes my love of horror and sex!

Listen to “Who Could Love Such a Beast” on YouTube or Patreon

His Galaxy pt 4: The Recording Studio

VA: Mr. Robinson, Mr. Chambers

Writer: Ellie

Hands down, best audio we’ve ever made IMHO. The interaction between Chambers & Robinson is so natural that the entire audio is a joy to listen to, not just the epic spicy part. I’ve listened to many multiple VA audios and there is always something a bit off, be it different volume levels, poor pacing, bad mixdowns, ect. I may be biased, but start to finish it feels like I am actually in the room with them both. It’s a bit of a shame it only exists on our Patreon, as I feel it would be the standard for these types of audios if released in the wild.

Listen to the full ”His Galaxy pt 4: The Recording Studio” audio

Strange Things Happen Overnight at Lowe’s 

VA: Creepy Ghost Stories

Writer: u/krayhayft (George Robertson)

This one hooked me early with the description of ‘naked Danny Devito’ in the first episode. The absolute insanity that unfolds as the story progresses alongside Brett’s delivery had me in stitches every time. I can’t walk into a Lowes without thinking ‘Have a Lowes safe day”

Listen to “Strange Things Happen Overnight at Lowe’s” on YouTube

I Work at a Half Price Voodoo Shop

VA: Lighthouse Horror

Writer: Voodoo_Clerk

Stephen is a fantastic storyteller, you can hear the facial expressions and body posture in each of the characters he portrays. The amount of effort he puts into production really shines through all of his audios. This one in particular reminded me of the old Twilight Zone episodes I grew up watching. Be careful what you wish for….

Listen to ‘I Work at a Half Price Voodoo Shop’ Part 1 on YouTube and Part 2 on YouTube

My favourite NSFW & ASMR audios: key takeaways

I love what I do with BKS and fully believe in Rob’s vision of quality content, education and community. Being able to openly discuss just about anything on our members only server has been an amazing experience from day one. Audios, events, advice, serious topics & sex toys…there’s always something going on! Our team & listeners are from all over the world, from many walks of life & various experience levels. Just like real life, the audios reflect these things & I’m so glad I landed here.





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