Listen to Daddy: The Sexiest Voices in Audio Erotica - Best Kept Secret

Listen to Daddy: The Sexiest Voices in Audio Erotica

“Look at you. What a desperate little thing.”

“I can feel your walls clenching down on my fingers.”

“You’re so tight, sweetheart.”

I don’t know about you but reading these lines alone already make a puddle out of me. 

So the fact that I actually got these whispered right next my ear by a voice so hot it puts this summer heat to shame, sent shivers straight to my spine. 

A good audio story needs amazing storylines you can immerse yourself with, dialogue that sound natural, and of course, a beautiful voice that makes the whole thing a masterpiece. Best Kept Secret’s audios check all these boxes. 

I’ve been an avid listener for 2 years now and their audios just keep getting better and better. 

But more than anything, the VAs who have been keeping my imagination very happy deserve to be praised for how much effort and dedication they pour into their craft. 

And in this blog post, I will be doing just that. 

Allow me to introduce you to the voices who are responsible for my late nights and big Os. 

Just a bit of a warning though, if you’re not ready to develop an intense and profound obsession for the male voice just yet, I suggest you stop reading and do something else. 

But if you think you’re ready, follow me.

Mr. Gallo

Warning: May cause eye rolling, drooling and involuntary panting.

Ladies… Put your magic wands to rest because this deep growly grumble-y voice is just the vibrator you’ve been searching for.


When you hear Gallo’s voice you will probably picture a six foot five, broad shouldered werewolf made of dark chocolate… that cannot just be my imagination. As someone who literally searches the internet for deep rumbly male voices you can imagine my surprise when I stumbled upon this sinful slice of allure. He has the magical ability to shift his tone from a shadowy aggressive Dom to a warm boyfriend whose presence is like candlelight. The clean articulation of his words paint the image of a beautiful set of white teeth that we can only assume forms a sssexy ass smile.

Spicy scenes

If you like it rough, Gallo would be my number one suggestion for you. 

Not only is his voice perfectly suited to play that jealous and possessive Dom who likes to “punish” you when you get too bratty but the way he growls, controls his angry whispers, and delivers those spanks in perfect timing is sure to make a sub out of anyone! 

Heck, I can even feel his hands choking my neck when he said “I’m gonna train you to take a pounding from me” as I can imagine him taking me. 

Yeah, how can a voice make you feel that way?

It’s cause Gallo is the freaking goat!


You may find Mr. Gallo in stories that call for a large, protective lover or a sweet doting boyfriend who likes it rough.

In fact, if fan fiction is your cup of kink or you just have some kinks you’d like to explore, then get ready to fall in love with him. 

Prepare yourself for a werewolf who normally haunt your nightmares and end up serving you amazing aftercare. 

Or for a powerful mafia boss who literally hates everyone but would beg you to cuddle him to sleep. 

Or for a jealous dominating lover who loves to remind you just how much of you… he owns.

Check out these links:

Full Moan

Your Warden Wolf Pt.1

In The Velvet Darkness

Mr. Robinson

Warning: May cause air kissing, begging and phantom orgasms..

Mr. Robinson is your irresistibly sexy Dom best friend who you’ve been waiting for years to bang.


Our beloved best friend has a voice that naturally sports a Mr. Nice guy approach to his characters while displaying a wide spectrum of deeper, darker emotions..

His voice has just enough lighthearted youthfulness mixed with the confident sound of an experienced dominant needed to make the perfect naughty night come to life. A touch of humor with the smokey taste of something more deviant…mm…

You’ll know it when you hear it.

It’s in the meaning of his words and trust me ladies, whatever Mr. Robinson chooses to do or say to you…he means it. Let’s not forget to mention that he is also the ultimate master of kissing sounds.. Have a listen. After all, he’ll be kissing…you.


From a knight to a mobster to the best BDSM-driven boyfriend of your dreams.

You name it.

Mr. Robinson has voiced it.

You’ll find a plethora of themes where friendship, loyalty, pleasure and discipline are the backbone of a Robinson lead fantasy…

Spicy scenes 

Since Sir Robinson has a delicious balance of sexy and mysteriousness with the undertone of a calculating Dom, it only makes sense that his giftedness in the kissing department would be stellar. I invite you all to get into the sound of a Robinson kiss because they are absolutely top notch! Ok..sooo there’s this juicy sounding double smack that he does, that truly leaves us all feeling completely invested. I have absolutely and involuntarily puckered my physical mouth into the air while listening to Robinson kisses.

After regaining my composure on the subway platform, I simply rewind for some more spectacular smooching because… KISSES!

Evidently, there are thousands of lusty listeners, just like me, who truly can’t get enough!

Say Thank You Daddy (14:46..KISSES!)

Beach House Breeding

Daddy Will Make It Better

Mr. Chambers

Warning: May cause heart melting, deep comfort, and involuntary wedding planning.

Mr. Chambers is your Personal Gentle Dom, Cuddle King, and Romance Rouser in one


One word. ACCENT. 

If you wouldn’t mind a delicious cocktail of deep bass timber with a gentle tone that oozes the perfect English accent, plop those headphones in and get ready for your own Pride and Prejudice moment.


Much like Gallo and Robinson, Chambers voices various characters along the spectrum of gentle to rough. However, I would like to point you in the direction of the “Gal” series, which is an absolute fan favorite. Here you’ll get an even mix of soft to rough, gentle domination along with the sound of sweet honest desire.

Spicy scenes

His Galaxy (6 episode series)

After All, He Is A Beast

Honeymoon Night


Warning: May cause butterflies, secret crushes, and a strong desire for cub hunting.

Your painfully sexy and nerdy guy friend who respects your boundaries until you beg for them to be overstepped.


Mr. Adams is the newest addition to the BKS VA spotlight of fame and the rumor is… he sounds like Mr. Robinson’s hot younger brother. Noted for his sexy nerdy nature, femmes are falling for his ability to turn a vanilla sounding BF scene into a steaming pile of listener climaxes..


Since Mr. Adams is somehow considered the baby of the bunch, in terms of recording hours, he has so much room to explore more characters and kink categories, and we honestly cannot wait. For now, we cherish his sweet, friends-to-lovers way of capturing our attention. That gorgeous realization in his voice when he realizes you want him just as much as he wants you, is sure to keep him in your special playlist.

Spicy Scenes

On your mark, get set, MOAN.. Here is where you get to hear the smooth, silky sounds of a masculine whispering and panting in full bliss. Mr. Adams’s responses are certain to leave you feeling like you’ve definitely still got it..

Check out these links:

Unplanned Honesty

Look But You Can’t Touch

Shout Outs!


Though it may seem like the most fun and easiest job in the world, writing in general can be a stressful process. Writing erotic scripts for thousands of diverse listeners isn’t all it’s imagined to be. Writers have to take into consideration the different requests and expectations of each kink category, and write in a sensitive enough manner to avoid any sharp triggering of traumas from highly requested hardcore scenes. They also have to keep the Voice Actors in mind as each person actually carries their own sound personality. 

Imagine hearing a monologue from Scar that was really meant to come from Mufasa. Exactly.

The cadence in each line would be very different and it would make Scar sound inauthentic. Contrary to popular belief, writers do other things besides write, so when distractions come, ideas go. Remember this the next time you’re waiting for the next audio to launch and send some wellness wishes to your creators. To our diligent and committed BKS writers, this shout out is for you! 


To our Sexiest top four, we tip our hats off to you. Through covid, weather changes, allergies, strenuous hours of recording, reading and acting simultaneously, tussling with technological issues and rude bodily functions that bleed into your sensitive microphones causing another take, we appreciate your love for the craft and that you keep showing up for us. To our beloved VAs, this shout out is for you!


Well obviously all of the addictive sounds that you hear in these fantasies are not completely the job of the Voice Artists alone. Elevator doors, footsteps, doorbells, restaurant crowds, whips, paddles, chains and many other accompanying kink sounds that give our fantasies detail and color, all come from the laptops of a Sound Team. In the world of sound editing, a team can often be one person. So, to the you or yous that seamlessly paste sound to our bedtime stories, making them taste just a bit sweeter. This shout out is for you!


Let’s face it…You’re the real superstar, the baby girl, the honorable queen to be served and gifted all the kinks you can take. It is your lust-filled lists, and dirty desires that keep these stories alive. Each time you vote for the next fantasy to be posted or leave your honest comments and share your fantasies with the community, you support the art of erotic audio entertainment. So, to all of the dedicated divas listening, this shout out is for you!

Until next time my deviant divas.

Kink well!






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